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Portion Cut Production

Put our skilled butchers to work for you. Explore the best in portion cut beef, only from Palmer.

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Every menu is unique.

Use these filters to explore portion cut options based on your needs.


The primal cuts are the first pieces of meat separated from the carcass. Each primal has its own characteristics and is further processed into subprimals and/or retail portion cuts.

Cooking Method

The most common ways – but not the only ways! – to prepare each cut.

Portion Size

Search by suggested portion size (in ounces).

Relative Portion Cost

Limit your search by how expensive a plated portion might be relative to all cuts. As a general rule of thumb, the more a piece is cut, trimmed, or portioned, the more expensive the portion cost.

PFS Item Number

The Palmer Food Services item number(s).

NAMP Item Number

The industry standard ID number for the portion cut based on the North American Meat Institute Meat Buyer’s Guide.

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  • PFS Item Number

  • NAMP Buyer's Guide

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Every menu is unique.

Use these filters to explore portion cut options based on your needs, but don’t hesitate to reach out with questions. The Palmer production team loves a good challenge. 😉