Weekly Market Report
Market highlights for the week of
January 12
Beef trends diverge, with ribeye prices declining while brisket, chuck, and ground beef rise due to supply constraints and seasonal demand.
Egg markets remain tight, driven by Avian Influenza impacts and elevated post-holiday demand.
Produce and seafood markets show mixed trends, with leafy greens improving but tomatoes, carrots, and farmed salmon facing upward price pressures.
Beef (Commodity)
Near Term Pricing: Mixed
Supply vs. Demand: Short – Mixed
Ribeye prices are declining as holiday demand eases, with stabilization expected in Q1. Tenderloin demand remains strong but may soften post-holiday. Ground beef prices are climbing due to tight supply and retail interest. Chuck and round cuts are increasing, with some prices expected to reach new highs in February. Brisket pricing continues to rise, driven by robust demand and limited supply.
Near Term Pricing: Steady
Supply vs. Demand: Moderate Supply, Moderate Demand
Cream volumes remain abundant nationwide. Butter production has been lighter due to the holidays but is expected to normalize. Inventory levels are steady in the East and slightly lower in Central and Western regions. Demand is steady in the East and Central regions but mixed in the West.
Canned Vegetables – Whole Beets
Near Term Pricing: Increasing
Supply vs. Demand: Short – Strong
Small whole beets in 6/10 cans are out of stock until the 2025 pack due to limited raw product availability. This shortage is expected to persist, impacting availability and pricing in the short term.
Near Term Pricing: Stabilizing
Supply vs. Demand: Moderate Supply
Cheese production schedules remain mixed, with holiday interruptions reducing output in some regions. Milk availability is sufficient to support production, though spot inventories are tight in the East. Demand is mixed, with strong retail interest but variable foodservice demand. Export activity has softened in the West.
Fluid Dairy
Near Term Pricing: Steady
Supply vs. Demand: Moderate Demand
Fluid milk supplies remain balanced with steady retail and foodservice demand. Production levels are stable, with no significant pricing shifts expected in the short term. The market outlook remains stable as January progresses.
Near Term Pricing: Stable
Supply vs. Demand: Available – Steady
Domestic oilseed product prices remain stable despite minor increases due to South American weather patterns. Palm oil markets have softened slightly, which may reduce pricing for margarine and cube shortenings. Overall, supply is sufficient, and major price volatility is not expected.
Pork (Commodity)
Near Term Pricing: Stable
Supply vs. Demand: Available – Steady
Sparerib prices are stable, with pork butt pricing expected to decline through January. Steady supply levels align with moderate demand, ensuring price stability across commodity pork categories.
Pork (Value-Added)
Near Term Pricing: Increasing
Supply vs. Demand: Steady – Increasing
Bacon prices are rising as demand grows in January. Tight supply coupled with heightened retail and foodservice interest is expected to sustain the upward pricing trend.
Poultry (Chicken)
Near Term Pricing: Stable
Supply vs. Demand: Available – Steady
The chicken market remains quiet as we enter the New Year. Pricing and availability are steady across all segments, with no significant changes anticipated in the near term.
Poultry (Turkey)
Near Term Pricing: Stable
Supply vs. Demand: Short – Steady
Avian Influenza continues to impact the turkey market, with pricing holding steady. Tom breast meat is experiencing upward pricing pressure. Supply remains tight but consistent, particularly for frozen products.
Near Term Pricing: Mixed
Supply vs. Demand: Varies by Item
Leafy greens and broccoli prices are easing due to improved supply. Tomatoes, carrots, and peppers face tight supply and upward price pressure. Citrus fruits are abundant and stable, while strawberries are limited but improving as production increases in California, Mexico, and Florida.
Near Term Pricing: Mixed
Supply vs. Demand: Varies by Species
Farmed salmon prices are firm due to tight supply and high demand. Shrimp and lobster markets are stable but face cost pressures from limited supply. Scallop prices are steady to firm, especially for larger sizes, due to holiday-driven demand.
Shell Eggs
Near Term Pricing: Elevated but Stabilizing
Supply vs. Demand: Tight Supply, Elevated Demand
Egg demand remains strong post-holidays, pushing prices to annual highs. Supply challenges persist due to Avian Influenza, with light to moderate availability. Retail activity is limited as prices stabilize, but demand remains elevated across foodservice and retail.
Near Term Pricing: Steady
Supply vs. Demand: Available – Weak
Sugar prices softened in late 2024 due to improved harvests. Domestic supply is strong, offsetting reduced imports from Mexico. Pricing is expected to remain stable in the near term, with no significant changes anticipated.
Wheat (Flour Based Products)
Near Term Pricing: Mixed
Supply vs. Demand: Available – Steady
Wheat prices have remained stable, translating to minimal changes in flour pricing. Flour production is meeting seasonal foodservice demand, with no major shortages or delays anticipated, barring extreme weather disruptions.
About this report: All information is based on domestic US market data only, unless indicated otherwise. This update is not a recommendation to buy or sell a commodity. While this update is based on sources we believe to be reliable and accurate, Palmer Foods does not guarantee the accuracy of the information presented. This information is based on regional or national market data and may not directly reflect local market conditions. Sources include UniPro, USDA, and others as indicated. Information may be truncated using artificial intelligence.
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